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Current Events National day of remembrance of the slave trade, slavery and the abolition of both 10 Mai 2012

Léonora Miano, Guest of Honor
Léonora Miano was born in 1973, in Douala, Cameroun. In 1991, she moved to France to pursue her literary studies. She began writing when she was 8 and defines herself as a « completely interdisciplinary cultural hybrid […]. Writing is the way for me to unify all the components of my being, of merging the African, French and English facets of my personality ».
She first attracted attention with her first novel, L’Intérieur de la nuit (Dark Heat of the Night) (2005). She completed the trilogy with Contours du jour qui vient (Contour of the Coming Day) (2006) and Les Aubes écarlates (The Scarlet Dawns) (2009). Africa lies at the heart of this literary cycle, which analyses the repercussions of the slave trade for the populations being torn away from their homelands on the daily life of contemporary Africans. The past repeats itself symbolically simply because it has not been studied, analyzed or celebrated.
In addition to working as a novelist and an essayist, Leonora Miano is also a composer and singer.
In 2012, she received the Grand Prix Littéraire de l’Afrique Noire for her work.

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